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Count Array Elements

Count Negative and Positive Numbers from Array

You will solve this exercise starting from the count_pos_neg.asm file located in the drills/tasks/vec-count-if/support directory.

Your program should display the number of positive and negative values from the array.

NOTE: Define a vector that contains both negative and positive numbers.

TIP: Use the cmp instruction and conditional jump mnemonics. See details here.

TIP: The inc instruction followed by a register increments the value stored in that register.

Count Odd and Even Numbers from Array

Create a new file called count_even_odd.asm file located in the drills/tasks/vec-count-if/support directory.

Your program should display the number of even and odd values from an array.

TIP: You can use the div instruction to divide a number by 2 and then compare the remainder of the division with 0.

NOTE: For testing, use an array containing only positive numbers.

For negative numbers, sign extension should be performed; it would work without it because we are only interested in the remainder, but let's be rigorous :-)

If you're having difficulties solving this exercise, go through this reading material.